Grails Database Migration
In this guide we will learn how to use the Grails Database Migration Plugin
Authors: Nirav Assar, Sergio del Amo
Grails Version: 4.0.1
1 Grails Training
Grails Training - Developed and delivered by the folks who created and actively maintain the Grails framework!.
2 Getting Started
In this guide you are going to learn how to use the Grails Database Migration Plugin. We will create an application with simple domain classes and extend them to achieve the following:
Baseline the database for database migration
Change a column to nullable
Add columns to an existing table
Redesign the table and migrate the existing data
2.1 What you will need
To complete this guide, you will need the following:
Some time on your hands
A decent text editor or IDE
JDK 1.8 or greater installed with
configured appropriately
2.2 How to complete the guide
To get started do the following:
Download and unzip the source
Clone the Git repository:
git clone
The Grails guides repositories contain two folders:
Initial project. Often a simple Grails app with some additional code to give you a head-start. -
A completed example. It is the result of working through the steps presented by the guide and applying those changes to theinitial
To complete the guide, go to the initial
and follow the instructions in the next sections.
You can go right to the completed example if you cd into grails-guides/grails-database-migration/complete
3 Writing the Application
We are going to write a simple application involving a class Person
. The Person
class will initially have its own
attributes that also contain information for an address. As we evolve the domain we will split attributes into its own
domain class. We will use Grails Database Migration Plugin to manage these transitions.
3.1 Install Database
Create a MySQL Database
Let’s setup a physical database with MySql, instead of relying on the default H2 in memory database.
Go to MySql to install a database
Create your admin access with id of
and passwordroot
Open the MySql Command Line Client
Run these commands in the command line client in order to create and use the database. The show tables
command should
return an empty set.
Setup Grails to use a MySQL database
> create database dbmigration character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;
> use dbmigration;
> show databases;
> show tables;
Now we need to configure the Grails application to point to the new dbmigration
database. We will be editing
the build.gradle
and application.yml
dependencies {
runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.36'
pooled: true
jmxExport: true
driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
username: root
password: root
dbCreate: none (1)
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbmigration?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8
1 | dbCreate defines whether we want to auto-generate the database from the domain model. We set it to none since we are going to manage the
management of the database schema with Grails Database Migration Plugin. |
3.2 Domain Class
Create a domain class in the appropriate package:
package demo
import grails.compiler.GrailsCompileStatic
class Person {
String name
Integer age
3.3 Install Database Migration Plugin
To install the Grails Database Migration Plugin
we need to add to build.gradle
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath 'org.grails.plugins:database-migration:3.1.0.RC1'
dependencies {
compile 'org.grails.plugins:database-migration:3.1.0.RC1'
compile 'org.liquibase:liquibase-core:3.6.1'
Tell Gradle about the migrations folder location too. Make sure this configuration is BEFORE the dependencies
so that the folder declaration takes effect:
sourceSets {
main {
resources {
srcDir 'grails-app/migrations'
Checkout the Grails Database Migration Plugin documentation.
3.4 Database Migration In Action
Database migrations are schema changes to the database while preserving the existing data. Without a tool to manage database migrations, teams may rely on manual sql, error prone communication processes, and costly risk management to implement solutions. The database migration plugin lets you manage structural changes made to the database. It automates incremental changes, makes them repeatable, visible and trackable. You can commit these changes in to source control.
The general workflow involved in using the plugin is as follow:
Define the current state of the domain
Create the database from the changelog using liquibase
Set configuration options in the application to use the database migration plugin
Development Workflow
Make changes to domain objects
Use the plugin to generate changelog additions for the database
Update the database using the plugin
3.5 Baseline for Database Migration
Instead of using GORM schema auto-generation, the database schema is going to changed with Liquibase; the database migration tool which the Grails Database Migration Plugin uses.
We want to run migrations on startup and our migrations are going to be located in changelog.groovy
updateOnStart: true
updateOnStartFileName: changelog.groovy
The plugin comes with several commands, one of those commands, dbm-generate-gorm-changelog
generates an initial changelog with a Groovy DSL file from current GORM classes
> grails dbm-generate-gorm-changelog changelog.groovy
This will generate a changelog such as:
databaseChangeLog = {
changeSet(author: "Nirav Assar (generated)", id: "1497549057046-1") {
createTable(tableName: "person") {
column(autoIncrement: "true", name: "id", type: "BIGINT") {
constraints(primaryKey: "true", primaryKeyName: "personPK")
column(name: "version", type: "BIGINT") {
constraints(nullable: "false")
column(name: "age", type: "INT") {
constraints(nullable: "false")
column(name: "name", type: "VARCHAR(255)") {
constraints(nullable: "false")
You may see the below INFO log statement. It is a non-error:
INFO 7/24/17 11:29 AM: liquibase: Can not use class org.grails.plugins.databasemigration.liquibase.GormDatabase as a Liquibase service because it does not have a no-argument constructor
Move the initial changelog to its own file and reference it from the main changelog file.
$ cp grails-app/migrations/changelog.groovy grails-app/migrations/create-person-table.groovy
Replace the content of changelog.groovy with:
databaseChangeLog = {
include file: 'create-person-table.groovy'
Apply the migration:
$ grails dbm-update
The database tables are created:
> show tables;
Tables in dbmigration |
person |
are used by the Database Migration Plugin to keep track of database migrations.
The person
table correspond to the Person
Domain Class.
> describe person;
Field |
Type |
Null |
Key |
Default |
Extra |
id |
bigint(20) |
NO |
Pri |
<null> |
auto_increment |
version |
bigint(20) |
NO |
<null> |
age |
int(11) |
NO |
<null> |
name |
varchar(255) |
NO |
<null> |
3.6 Make Column Nullable
In this section we will do a simple change to make a column nullable. The age
column currently requires a value. We
make it nullable, and proceed to migrate the database to reflect that.

In the Person
domain object, make the age attribute nullable:
package demo
import grails.compiler.GrailsCompileStatic
class Person {
String name
Integer age
static constraints = {
age nullable: true
Note that making the change in the domain object does not affect the database. We must generate additions to the changelog.groovy
for the change to take affect. Run the next command:
> grails dbm-gorm-diff change-age-constraint-to-nullable.groovy --add
A new include statement has been added to changelog.groovy
databaseChangeLog = {
include file: 'create-person-table.groovy'
include file: 'change-age-constraint-to-nullable.groovy'
An individual changeset is created too:
databaseChangeLog = {
changeSet(author: "Nirav Assar (generated)", id: "1497551594095-1") {
dropNotNullConstraint(columnDataType: "int", columnName: "age", tableName: "person")
if we run the migration
$ grails dbm-update
The column age
in the person
table is nullable as expressed in the constraint:
Field |
Type |
Null |
Key |
Default |
Extra |
id |
bigint(20) |
NO |
Pri |
<null> |
auto_increment |
version |
bigint(20) |
NO |
<null> |
age |
int(11) |
<null> |
name |
varchar(255) |
NO |
<null> |
3.7 Add Attributes
We will add some attributes to the Person
class for an address to demonstrate our second migration.

package demo
import grails.compiler.GrailsCompileStatic
class Person {
String name
Integer age
String streetName
String city
String zipCode
static constraints = {
age nullable: true
streetName nullable: true
city nullable: true
zipCode nullable: true
If we generate a changeset for these changes:
> grails dbm-gorm-diff add-address-fields-to-person.groovy --add
The command adds a new include statement to changelog.groovy
databaseChangeLog = {
include file: 'create-person-table.groovy'
include file: 'change-age-constraint-to-nullable.groovy'
include file: 'add-address-fields-to-person.groovy'
An individual changeset is created too:
databaseChangeLog = {
changeSet(author: "Nirav Assar (generated)", id: "1497552798178-1") {
addColumn(tableName: "person") {
column(name: "city", type: "varchar(255)")
changeSet(author: "Nirav Assar (generated)", id: "1497552798178-2") {
addColumn(tableName: "person") {
column(name: "street_name", type: "varchar(255)")
changeSet(author: "Nirav Assar (generated)", id: "1497552798178-3") {
addColumn(tableName: "person") {
column(name: "zip_code", type: "varchar(255)")
if we run the migration
$ grails dbm-update
New columns streetName
, city
, zipCode
are created in the person
$ describe person
Field |
Type |
Null |
Key |
Default |
Extra |
id |
bigint(20) |
NO |
Pri |
<null> |
auto_increment |
version |
bigint(20) |
NO |
<null> |
age |
int(11) |
<null> |
name |
varchar(255) |
NO |
<null> |
city |
varchar(255) |
<null> |
street_name |
varchar(255) |
<null> |
zip_code |
varchar(255) |
<null> |
3.8 Redesign Tables
Let’s say we would like to redesign Person
to split the address fields into its own domain object. The idea behind this
would be that now a Person
can have many Address
's. When doing this type of domain object redesign we have to consider a few aspects:
The database table schema definition will change
Existing data in the table will have to be split amongst the new database tables created
We can write custom sql in the changelog files to transfer existing data
The image below depicts the redesign:

The Person
and Address
domain objects can be coded as below:
package demo
import grails.compiler.GrailsCompileStatic
class Person {
String name
Integer age
static hasMany = [addresses: Address]
static constraints = {
age nullable: true
package demo
import grails.compiler.GrailsCompileStatic
class Address {
Person person
String streetName
String city
String zipCode
static belongsTo = [person: Person]
static constraints = {
streetName nullable: true
city nullable: true
zipCode nullable: true
Run the database migration command that will compare the new domain objects to the existing database and generate the liquibase declarations to migrate the schema:
> grails dbm-gorm-diff create-address-table.groovy –add
The command adds a new include statement to changelog.groovy
databaseChangeLog = {
include file: 'create-person-table.groovy'
include file: 'change-age-constraint-to-nullable.groovy'
include file: 'add-address-fields-to-person.groovy'
include file: 'create-address-table.groovy'
An individual changeset is created too:
changeSet(author: "Nirav Assar (generated)", id: "1497553930799-1") {
createTable(tableName: "address") {
column(autoIncrement: "true", name: "id", type: "BIGINT") {
constraints(primaryKey: "true", primaryKeyName: "addressPK")
column(name: "version", type: "BIGINT") {
constraints(nullable: "false")
column(name: "city", type: "VARCHAR(255)")
column(name: "person_id", type: "BIGINT") {
constraints(nullable: "false")
column(name: "street_name", type: "VARCHAR(255)")
column(name: "zip_code", type: "VARCHAR(255)")
changeSet(author: "Nirav Assar (generated)", id: "1497553930799-2") {
addForeignKeyConstraint(baseColumnNames: "person_id", baseTableName: "address", constraintName: "FK81ihijcn1kdfwffke0c0sjqeb", deferrable: "false", initiallyDeferred: "false", referencedColumnNames: "id", referencedTableName: "person")
changeSet(author: "Nirav Assar (generated)", id: "1497553930799-3") {
dropColumn(columnName: "city", tableName: "person")
changeSet(author: "Nirav Assar (generated)", id: "1497553930799-4") {
dropColumn(columnName: "street_name", tableName: "person")
changeSet(author: "Nirav Assar (generated)", id: "1497553930799-5") {
dropColumn(columnName: "zip_code", tableName: "person")
We are going to add manually a changeset to move the existing data from the old tables to the new.
The final version of create-address-table.groovy
looks like:
changeSet(author: "Nirav Assar (generated)", id: "1497553930799-1") {
createTable(tableName: "address") {
column(autoIncrement: "true", name: "id", type: "BIGINT") {
constraints(primaryKey: "true", primaryKeyName: "addressPK")
column(name: "version", type: "BIGINT") {
constraints(nullable: "false")
column(name: "city", type: "VARCHAR(255)")
column(name: "person_id", type: "BIGINT") {
constraints(nullable: "false")
column(name: "street_name", type: "VARCHAR(255)")
column(name: "zip_code", type: "VARCHAR(255)")
changeSet(author: "Nirav Assar (generated)", id: "1497553930799-2") {
addForeignKeyConstraint(baseColumnNames: "person_id", baseTableName: "address", constraintName: "FK81ihijcn1kdfwffke0c0sjqeb", deferrable: "false", initiallyDeferred: "false", referencedColumnNames: "id", referencedTableName: "person")
changeSet(author: "a488338 (generated)", id: "migrate-person-data") {
sql("""insert into address (version, person_id, street_name, city, zip_code)
select 0, id, street_name, city, zip_code from person""")
changeSet(author: "Nirav Assar (generated)", id: "1497553930799-3") {
dropColumn(columnName: "city", tableName: "person")
changeSet(author: "Nirav Assar (generated)", id: "1497553930799-4") {
dropColumn(columnName: "street_name", tableName: "person")
changeSet(author: "Nirav Assar (generated)", id: "1497553930799-5") {
dropColumn(columnName: "zip_code", tableName: "person")
1 | The changeset we added, executes after the creation of the Address table but before the
dropping of columns from the Person table. |
Run the migration
$ grails dbm-update
The person table looks like:
$ describe person
Field |
Type |
Null |
Key |
Default |
Extra |
id |
bigint(20) |
NO |
Pri |
<null> |
auto_increment |
version |
bigint(20) |
NO |
<null> |
age |
int(11) |
<null> |
name |
varchar(255) |
NO |
<null> |
The address table looks like:
$ describe address
Field |
Type |
Null |
Key |
Default |
Extra |
id |
bigint(20) |
NO |
Pri |
<null> |
auto_increment |
version |
bigint(20) |
NO |
<null> |
person_id |
bigint(20) |
NO |
<null> |
city |
varchar(255) |
<null> |
street_name |
varchar(255) |
<null> |
zip_code |
varchar(255) |
<null> |
4 Summary
To summarize this guide, we learned how use the database migration plugin to change column names, add columns, and potentially redesign tables while migration existing data. It is important to note that database migration consists of a typical workflow:
Make changes to Domain objects.
Generate the changelog which will identify database structure differences between the existing database and the edited domain objects.
Consider any existing data to migrate.
Execute the database migration scripts.