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Grails Basic Auth

Learn how to secure a Grails app using 'Basic' HTTP Authentication Scheme.

Authors: Sergio del Amo

Grails Version: 5.0.1

1 Getting Started

RFC7617 defines the "Basic" Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) authentication scheme, which transmits credentials as user-id/password pairs, encoded using Base64.

In this guide you are going to create a Grails app and secure it with HTTP Basic Auth.

1.1 What you will need

To complete this guide, you will need the following:

  • Some time on your hands

  • A decent text editor or IDE

  • JDK 1.8 or greater installed with JAVA_HOME configured appropriately

1.2 How to complete the guide

To get started do the following:


The Grails guides repositories contain two folders:

  • initial Initial project. Often a simple Grails app with some additional code to give you a head-start.

  • complete A completed example. It is the result of working through the steps presented by the guide and applying those changes to the initial folder.

To complete the guide, go to the initial folder

  • cd into grails-guides/grails-basicauth/initial

and follow the instructions in the next sections.

You can go right to the completed example if you cd into grails-guides/grails-basicauth/complete

If you want to start from scratch, create a new Grails application using Grails Application Forge.


2 Writing the App

Create an app with the rest-api profile

grails create-app example --profile=rest-api

2.1 Add Security Dependencies

First thing we need to do is add the spring-security-core Grails Plugin to build.gradle.

compile 'org.grails.plugins:spring-security-core:4.0.0.RC2'

Then run the command:

grails s2-quickstart example.grails User Role

The command generates the following domain classes:

  • grails-app/domain/example.grails.User

  • grails-app/domain/example.grails.Role

  • grails-app/domain/example.grails.UserRole

a password encoder listener:


and default security configuration at:

  • grails-app/conf/application.groovy

Modify the generated application.groovy to enable basic auth.

grails.plugin.springsecurity.useBasicAuth = true

2.2 Controller

Create HomeController which returns the username of the authenticated user.

package example.grails

import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import grails.plugin.springsecurity.SpringSecurityService
import grails.plugin.springsecurity.annotation.Secured
import grails.plugin.springsecurity.userdetails.GrailsUser

class HomeController {

    static responseFormats = ['json']

    SpringSecurityService springSecurityService

    def index() {
        [name: loggedUsername()]

    String loggedUsername() {
        if ( springSecurityService.principal == null ) {
            return null
        if ( springSecurityService.principal instanceof String ) {
            return springSecurityService.principal
        if ( springSecurityService.principal instanceof GrailsUser ) {
            return ((GrailsUser) springSecurityService.principal).username



Render the controller output as a JSON Payload with the aid of JSON Views.

model {
    String name

json {
    username name

2.4 GORM Data Service

GORM Data Services take the work out of implemented service layer logic by adding the ability to automatically implement abstract classes or interfaces using GORM logic.

Create a GORM Data service to ease User domain class CRUD operations.

package example.grails


interface UserDataService {

    User save(String username, String password, boolean enabled, boolean accountExpired, boolean accountLocked, boolean passwordExpired)

    void delete(Serializable id)

    int count()

2.5 Test

Create a test which verifies the user authentication flow via Basic Auth.

package example.grails

import grails.testing.mixin.integration.Integration
import grails.testing.spock.OnceBefore
import io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest
import io.micronaut.http.HttpResponse
import io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus
import io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClient
import spock.lang.Specification

class HomeControllerSpec extends Specification {

    UserDataService userDataService
    HttpClient client

    void init() {
        String baseUrl = "http://localhost:$serverPort"
        this.client  = HttpClient.create(baseUrl.toURL())

    def "verify basic auth is possible"() {
        final String username = 'sherlock'
        final String password = 'elementary'

        User user =, password, true, false, false, false, )

        userDataService.count() == old(userDataService.count()) + 1

        HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.GET("/home")
                .basicAuth(username, password)
        HttpResponse<Map> rsp = client.toBlocking().exchange(request, Map)

        rsp.status == HttpStatus.OK

        rsp.body().username == username


To run tests, do ./gradlew test

2.6 Next Steps

Read Basic and Digest Authentication section of the Grails Springs Security Core Plugin documentation to learn about the different configuration options available for Basic Authentication.

3 Do you need help with Grails?

Object Computing, Inc. (OCI) sponsored the creation of this Guide. A variety of consulting and support services are available.

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