Single Database Multi-Tenancy - Discriminator Column
Learn how to leverage Multi-Tenancy features of GORM to build an application which uses a single database, but it partitions its data using a discriminator column.
Authors: Sergio del Amo
Grails Version: 4.0.1
1 Grails Training
Grails Training - Developed and delivered by the folks who created and actively maintain the Grails framework!.
2 Getting Started
In this guide you are going to build a Multi-Tenant application which partitions its data using a discriminator column with Grails and GORM.
Using a discriminator column allows you handle different tenants (users) with a unique tenant identifier within the same database.
2.1 What you will need
To complete this guide, you will need the following:
Some time on your hands
A decent text editor or IDE
JDK 1.8 or greater installed with
configured appropriately
2.2 How to complete the guide
To get started do the following:
Download and unzip the source
Clone the Git repository:
git clone
The Grails guides repositories contain two folders:
Initial project. Often a simple Grails app with some additional code to give you a head-start. -
A completed example. It is the result of working through the steps presented by the guide and applying those changes to theinitial
To complete the guide, go to the initial
and follow the instructions in the next sections.
You can go right to the completed example if you cd into grails-guides/discriminator-per-tenant/complete
3 Writing the Application
3.1 Setup Multi-Tenancy
3.1.1 The Multi-Tenancy Mode
In order to use Multi-Tenancy you need to setup the Multi-Tenancy mode that GORM uses, given that three distinct modes are supported:
DATABASE - Use a distinct database connection per tenant
SCHEMA - Use a single database, but different physical schemas per tenant
DISCRIMINATOR - Use a single database, but partition the data using a discriminator column
Generally DATABASE
modes can both be considered to be physically separated, whilst DISCRIMINATOR
mode requires more care since different tenants' data is stored in the same physical database:

In this case the required Multi-Tenancy mode is DISCRIMINATOR
and it can be configured using the grails.gorm.multiTenancy.mode
tenantResolverClass: org.grails.datastore.mapping.multitenancy.web.SessionTenantResolver
3.1.2 The TenantResolver
Note that, in addition to the mode, the above example configures the tenantResolverClass
to use to resolve the tenant.
The tenantResolverClass
is a class that implements the TenantResolver interface.
Included within GORM there are several built-in TenantResolver
implementations including:
Type | Description |
Resolves the tenant id from the HTTP session using an attribute called |
Resolves the tenant id from the HTTP cookie using an attribute called |
Resolves the tenant id from the current sub-domain. For example if the subdomain is |
Resolves the tenant id from a system property called |
The above implementations are useful to have out-of-the-box, however GORM is flexible and you can implement your own strategy by implementing the TenantResolver
For example if you are using Spring Security you could write a TenantResolver that resolves the tenant id from the currently logged in user.
For this example we are going to be using SessionTenantResolver
and storing the tenant id within the current user session.
3.2 Creating the Domain Classes
When creating domain classes for your application you will typically have domain classes that are Multi-Tenant and others that are not.
For domain classes which won’t be using Multi-Tenancy simply define them as you would normally do.
For this example, the Manufacturer
will be the provider of tenant ids. The name
of the Manufacturer
will be used as the tenant identifier.
package example
import grails.compiler.GrailsCompileStatic
class Manufacturer {
String name
static constraints = {
name blank: false
Next step is to define domain classes that can only be accessed by a given tenant:
package example
import grails.gorm.MultiTenant
class Engine implements MultiTenant<Engine> { (1)
Integer cylinders
String manufacturer (2)
static constraints = {
cylinders nullable: false
static mapping = {
tenantId name:'manufacturer' (2)
package example
import grails.gorm.MultiTenant
class Vehicle implements MultiTenant<Vehicle> { (1)
String model
Integer year
String manufacturer (2)
static hasMany = [engines: Engine]
static constraints = {
model blank:false
year min:1980
static mapping = {
tenantId name:'manufacturer' (2)
1 | Both domain classes implement the MultiTenant trait |
2 | manufacturer property is used as the tenant id discriminator column. |
The Vehicle
and Engine
domain classes both implement the
MultiTenant trait. GORM resolves the
entities to use from the resulting tenant id
returned from the configured
TenantResolver by
using the tenant identifier discriminator column.
3.3 Setup Test Data
To setup some test data you can modify the Application
class to implement the ApplicationRunner
interface to run transactional logic on startup:
package example
import grails.boot.GrailsApp
import grails.boot.config.GrailsAutoConfiguration
import org.springframework.boot.ApplicationArguments
import org.springframework.boot.ApplicationRunner
import grails.gorm.transactions.Transactional
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
class Application extends GrailsAutoConfiguration implements ApplicationRunner { (1)
static void main(String[] args) {, args)
void run(ApplicationArguments args) throws Exception { (2)
Manufacturer.saveAll( (3)
new Manufacturer(name: 'Audi'),
new Manufacturer(name: 'Ford')
1 | Implement the ApplicationRunner interface |
2 | Mark the run method as transactional with @Transactional |
3 | Use saveAll to save two Manufacturer instances |
In the example about two Manufacturer
instances are saved that will correspond
to the two tenants supported by this application.
3.4 Implementing Tenant Selection
The first step to supporting Multi-Tenancy in your application is implementing some form of tenant selection. This could be to resolve the tenant via a DNS subdomain, or it could be part of your applications registration process if you are using authentication with Spring Security.
To keep things simple for the example we are going to implement a simple mechanism that provides a UI to store the tenantId
within the users HTTP session.
First, create a GORM Data service to Manufacturer
Unresolved directive in <stdin> - include::/home/runner/work/discriminator-per-tenant/discriminator-per-tenant/complete/grails-app/init/example/ManufacturerService.groovy[]
Then, create a new ManufacturerController
use create-controller
or your preferred IDE:
$ grails create-controller Manufacturer
Next modify the UrlMappings.groovy
file to map the root of the application to the index
'/'(controller: 'manufacturer')
Then define an index
action that lists of all the Manufacturers and renders the grails-app/views/index.gsp
package example
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.multitenancy.web.SessionTenantResolver
import grails.gorm.transactions.ReadOnly
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
class ManufacturerController {
def index() {
render view: '/index', model: [manufacturers: manufacturerService.findAll()]
Within the grails-app/views/index.gsp
file, simply iterate through each result and create a link to the select
<div id="controllers" role="navigation">
<h2>Available Manufacturers:</h2>
<g:each var="m" in="${manufacturers}">
<li class="controller">
<g:link controller="manufacturer" action="select" id="${}">${}</g:link>
The select
action, selects the current tenant and stores the tenant within the current user’s HTTP session:
def select(String id) {
Manufacturer m = manufacturerService.findByName(id) (1)
if ( m ) {
session.setAttribute(SessionTenantResolver.ATTRIBUTE, (2)
redirect controller: 'vehicle' (3)
else {
render status: 404
1 | Fetches a Manufacturer identified by the supplied id |
2 | The selected tenant is stored within a session attribute. |
The select
action will find a Manufacturer
and store the name of the Manufacturer
in lower case as the current tenant within the HTTP session.
This causes SessionTenantResolver to resolve the correct tenant id from the HTTP session.
Finally, to improve error handling you can map every occurrence of TenantNotFoundException
to redirect back to the list of manufacturers:
'500' (controller: 'manufacturer', exception: TenantNotFoundException)
With these changes in place you will able to select each tenant from the homepage:

Now that it is possible to select a tenant, lets create a logic that is able to use the currently active tenant.
3.5 Writing Multi-Tenant Aware Data Logic
GORM features a set of Multi-Tenancy transformations which facilitate the resolution of the tenant and the binding of a Hibernate Session for that particular tenant in the scope of a method.
Type | Description |
Resolves the current tenant and binds a Hibernate session for the scope of the method |
Resolves a specific tenant and binds a Hibernate session for the scope of the method |
Execute some logic within a method without a tenant present |
These should generally be applied to services in a Grails application and they work really well when combined with the GORM Data Services concept introduced in GORM 6.1.
To implement the logic to save and retrieve Vehicle
instances create a new
file and annotate it within the CurrentTenant
and Service annotations:
import grails.gorm.multitenancy.CurrentTenant
import grails.gorm.transactions.Transactional
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
@Service(Vehicle) (1)
@CurrentTenant (2)
abstract class VehicleService {
1 | The Service transformation will ensure any abstract methods that can be implemented by GORM are implemented |
2 | The CurrentTenant transformation will ensure any method that is executed on the service resolves the current tenant first and binds a Hibernate session. |
The class is abstract because many of the methods will be implemented for you by GORM.
Now lets take a look at how to implement querying logic for a Multi-Tenant application.
3.5.1 Executing Multi-Tenant Aware Queries
To implement Multi-Tenant queries in a GORM Data Service simply add abstract methods that correspond to one of the supported conventions in GORM:
abstract List<Vehicle> list(Map args ) (1)
abstract Integer count() (2)
abstract Vehicle find(Serializable id) (3)
1 | The list method returns a list of Vehicle instances and takes optional arguments as a map to perform pagination |
2 | The count method counts the number of Vehicle instances |
3 | The find method finds a single Vehicle by id |
Now it is time to write a controller that can use these newly defined methods. First, create a
new grails-app/controllers/example/VehicleController.groovy
class with either
the create-controller
command or your preferred IDE.
The VehicleController
should define a property referencing the previously created VehicleService
import static org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND
import grails.gorm.multitenancy.CurrentTenant
import grails.validation.ValidationException
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
class VehicleController {
static allowedMethods = [save: 'POST', update: 'PUT', delete: 'DELETE']
VehicleService vehicleService
Now run grails generate-views
to generate some default GSP views that can render the Vehicle
$ grails generate-views example.Vehicle
Next add an entry into the UrlMappings.groovy
file to map the /vehicles
'/vehicles'(resources: 'vehicle')
Now you are ready to add the query logic to read Vehicle
instances for each tenant. Update VehicleController
with the following read operations:
def index(Integer max) {
params.max = Math.min(max ?: 10, 100)
respond vehicleService.list(params), model: [vehicleCount: vehicleService.count()]
def show(Long id) {
Vehicle vehicle = id ? vehicleService.find(id) : null
respond vehicle
Both the find
and show
actions use the VehicleService
to locate Vehicle
instances. The VehicleService
will ensure the correct tenant is resolved and the correct data returned for each tenant.
3.5.2 Executing Multi-Tenant Updates
To add logic to perform write operations you can simply modify the VehicleService
and add new abstract methods for save
and delete
abstract Vehicle save(String model,
Integer year)
abstract Vehicle delete(Serializable id)
The above save
and delete
methods will be implemented automatically for you.
GORM Data Services are smart about adding appropriate transaction semantics to each method (for example, readOnly for read operations). However you can override the transaction semantics by adding the @Transactional annotation yourself.
To implement updates you can add a new method that calls the existing abstract find
Vehicle update( Serializable id, (5)
String model,
Integer year) {
Vehicle vehicle = find(id)
if (vehicle != null) {
vehicle.model = model
vehicle.year = year
This demonstrates an important concept of GORM Data Services: It is possible to easily mix methods you define with ones that are automatically implemented for you by GORM.
The corresponding controller actions to call VehicleService
and expose these write operations are also trivial:
def save(String model, Integer year) {
try {
Vehicle vehicle =, year)
flash.message = 'Vehicle created'
redirect vehicle
} catch (ValidationException e) {
respond e.errors, view: 'create'
def update(Long id, String model, Integer year) {
try {
Vehicle vehicle = vehicleService.update(id, model, year)
if (vehicle == null) {
} else if ( vehicle.hasErrors() ) {
redirect action: 'edit', params: [id: id]
else {
flash.message = 'Vehicle updated'
redirect vehicle
} catch (ValidationException e) {
respond e.errors, view: 'edit'
protected void notFound() {
flash.message = 'Vehicle not found'
redirect uri: '/vehicles', status: NOT_FOUND
def delete(Long id) {
Vehicle vehicle = vehicleService.delete(id)
if (vehicle == null) {
else {
flash.message = 'Vehicle Deleted'
redirect action: 'index', method: 'GET'
4 Multi-Tenancy Unit Testing
Testing controller logic that uses Multi-Tenancy requires special considerations.
Luckily GORM 6.1 makes it relatively simple to write unit tests.
To write a unit test for the VehicleController
class create a new
Spock specification:
class VehicleControllerSpec extends HibernateSpec implements ControllerUnitTest<VehicleController> {
As you can see above the test extends HibernateSpec
To make testing simpler override the tenantResolverClass
by overriding the getConfiguration()
method of HibernateSpec
Map getConfiguration() {
super.getConfiguration() + [(Settings.SETTING_MULTI_TENANT_RESOLVER_CLASS): SystemPropertyTenantResolver]
This will allow you to use SystemPropertyTenantResolver for changing the tenant id within the test.
Next step is to provide a setup
method that configures the VehicleService
for the controller:
VehicleService vehicleService (1)
def setup() {
System.setProperty(SystemPropertyTenantResolver.PROPERTY_NAME, 'audi') (2)
vehicleService = hibernateDatastore.getService(VehicleService) (3)
controller.vehicleService = vehicleService (4)
1 | Define a vehicleService as a property of the unit test |
2 | Set the tenant id to audi for the purposes of the test |
3 | Lookup the VehicleService implementation from GORM |
4 | Assign the VehicleService to the controller under test |
To ensure proper cleanup you should also clear the tenant id in a cleanup
def cleanupSpec() {
System.setProperty(SystemPropertyTenantResolver.PROPERTY_NAME, '')
With that done it is trivial to test the controller logic, for example to test the index
action with no data:
void 'Test the index action returns the correct model'() {
when: 'The index action is executed'
then: 'The model is correct'
model.vehicleCount == 0
You can also write tests to test the case where no tenant id is present by clearing the tenant id:
void 'Test the index action with no tenant id'() {
when: 'there is no tenant id'
System.setProperty(SystemPropertyTenantResolver.PROPERTY_NAME, '')
Testing more complex interactions like saving data is possible too:
void 'Test the save action correctly persists an instance'() {
when: 'The save action is executed with an invalid instance'
request.contentType = FORM_CONTENT_TYPE
request.method = 'POST''', 1900)
then: 'The create view is rendered again with the correct model'
model.vehicle != null
view == 'create'
when: 'The save action is executed with a valid instance''A5', 2011)
then: 'A redirect is issued to the show action'
controller.flash.message != null
vehicleService.count() == 1
response.redirectedUrl == '/vehicles/1'
when: 'The show action is executed with a null domain'
then: 'A 404 error is returned'
response.status == 404
when: 'Update is called for a domain instance that doesn\'t exist'
request.contentType = FORM_CONTENT_TYPE
request.method = 'PUT'
controller.update(999, 'A5', 2011)
then: 'A 404 error is returned'
response.redirectedUrl == '/vehicles'
flash.message != null
when: 'An invalid domain instance is passed to the update action'
controller.update(1, 'A5', 1900)
then: 'The edit view is rendered again with the invalid instance'
view == 'edit'
model.vehicle instanceof Vehicle
when: 'A valid domain instance is passed to the update action'
controller.update(1, 'A5', 2012)
then: 'A redirect is issued to the show action'
response.redirectedUrl == '/vehicles/1'
flash.message != null
when: 'The delete action is called for a null instance'
request.contentType = FORM_CONTENT_TYPE
request.method = 'DELETE'
then: 'A 404 is returned'
response.redirectedUrl == '/vehicles'
flash.message != null
vehicleService.count() == 1
when: 'A domain instance is created'
then: 'The instance is deleted'
vehicleService.count() == 0
response.redirectedUrl == '/vehicles'
flash.message != null
Note that within the assertions of the above test we use the vehicleService
which makes sure the correct tenant is used when making the assertion.
5 Functional Tests
We map the CRUD pages with the help of Geb Pages:
package example
import geb.Page
class ManufacturersPage extends Page {
static at = { $('h2').text().contains('Available Manufacturers') }
static content = {
audiLink { $('a', text: 'Audi') }
fordLink { $('a', text: 'Ford') }
void selectAudi() {
void selectFord() {
package example
import geb.Page
class NewVehiclePage extends Page {
static at = { title.contains('Create Vehicle') }
static content = {
inputModel { $('input', name: 'model') }
inputYear { $('input', name: 'year') }
createButton { $('input', name: 'create') }
void newVehicle(String model, int year) {
inputModel << model
inputYear = year
package example
import geb.Page
class ShowVehiclePage extends Page {
static at = { title.contains('Show Vehicle') }
static content = {
listButton { $('a', text: 'Vehicle List') }
void vehicleList() {
package example
import geb.Page
class VehiclesPage extends Page {
static at = { title.contains('Vehicle List') }
static content = {
newVehicleLink { $('a', text: 'New Vehicle') }
vehiclesRows { $('tbody tr') }
void newVehicle() {
int numberOfVehicles() {
We test tenant selection with the help of a functional test:
package example
import geb.spock.GebSpec
import grails.testing.mixin.integration.Integration
class TenantSelectionFuncSpec extends GebSpec {
def "it is possible to change tenants and get different lists of vehicles"() {
go '/'
at ManufacturersPage
ManufacturersPage page =
at VehiclesPage
VehiclesPage vehiclesPage =
at NewVehiclePage
NewVehiclePage newVehiclePage =
newVehiclePage.newVehicle('A5', 2000)
at ShowVehiclePage
ShowVehiclePage showVehiclePage =
at VehiclesPage
vehiclesPage =
vehiclesPage.numberOfVehicles() == 1
at NewVehiclePage
newVehiclePage =
newVehiclePage.newVehicle('A3', 2001)
at ShowVehiclePage
showVehiclePage =
at VehiclesPage
vehiclesPage =
vehiclesPage.numberOfVehicles() == 2
go '/'
at ManufacturersPage
ManufacturersPage manufacturersPage =
at VehiclesPage
vehiclesPage =
at NewVehiclePage
newVehiclePage =
newVehiclePage.newVehicle('KA', 1996)
at ShowVehiclePage
showVehiclePage =
at VehiclesPage
vehiclesPage =
vehiclesPage.numberOfVehicles() == 1
6 Running the Application
To run the application use the ./gradlew bootRun
command which will start the application on port 8080.
Now perform the following steps:
Navigate to the home page and select "Audi"
Enter data for a
to create a newVehicle
Note that the data will be created with
as the value for the discriminator columnmanufacturer
in thevehicle
If you then navigate back to the homepage and select "Ford" the current tenant
is switched. The webapp displays the data for the tenant ford
. The discriminator column
effectively isolates the data between the two tenants.